They always maintained a perfect balance. They used to maintain a proper balance and keep their accounts in a proper way whether it was statistics, accounts or production. If there is less production then there will be shortages in the market. In olden days they used to get worried when the production increased because the prices would fall on account of excess production. They always conducted business realizing what type of relationship should exist between the workers and the management. All of you know that in the olden days, people who were not very educated conducted business in the most successful way. It transcends all words and all explanation. #stressmanagement #depression #staystrong #staysafe #stayhealthy #podcastĮpisode 115 : Our culture cannot be put into words and explained.

One is confidence in one’s own self and the other is cleansing one’s own mind. Good company leads to Divine life - There are two things which are important for man’s life. Service To Man Is Service To The Lord - Through service, we should be able to fulfill the purpose of our life.(Divine Discourse ) The one who has no Guru above him is the true guru. When this Self is within you where is the need to search for someone to teach you? A teacher who teaches others has had a teacher himself. Another meaning of the word is "one who is beyond attributes and forms, namely, the Supreme Self (The Brahman)". Pursue the Guru Within - The true meaning of Guru is "one who dispels the darkness of ignorance". Bhagawan cautions repeatedly by saying, “less talk more study”. (Divine Discourse )Įxcessive talk leads to many problems - The one who can talk does not study and the one who studies does not talk. Na sreyo niyamam vina (without discipline, there can be no well being). In fact, desire and anger are the two planets that cause the greatest harm to mankind. People are worried about the harmful effects of certain planets. These evil tendencies are the bitter enemies of man.

Limitless Desires are the reason for Man's agony - In the daily newspaper, you find many news items that speak volumes about the anger, hatred, and jealousy in man. The noble ones adhere to righteousness through all the vicissitudes of life. When gold is heated in the crucible repeatedly, it becomes pure and brighter. Hold on to His feet - When sandalwood is rubbed repeatedly, the fragrance from it increases When the sugarcane is chewed again and again, the juice gets sweeter. Actions determine the joy and sorrow (Divine Discourse ) Mind is the conglomeration of thoughts - Man is sum total of his mind. Seven Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to drive away depression or doubts and build self-confidence – Now on Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Podcast #saiinspires #inspiration #motivationalquotes #spiritualquotes #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailydevotional #podcast Ramakatha Rasavahini Audio Book - Ramayana written by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Translated into English by Sri N. Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre Podcasts : New Episodes available Why should we consider God alone as a true friend? Bhagawan reminds us, so that we may cherish this divine friendship.